District Rally/Presentations
The 2024-2025 school year is in motion and the K-12 Foundation for the LHUSD #1 is thankful to be able to help support the schools by presenting 8 checks totaling $14,700 to each school principal.
Because of your donations we are able to giveback to our teachers and students of Lake Havasu City and are thankful for the continued support!
Visit www.k12foundation.org to learn more.
photo thanks to Jillian Danielson of RiverScene Magazine
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!!
July 31, 2023 The K-12 Foundation for LHUSD#1 presented checks to each school principal today. 8 checks totaling $14,700.00
We are thankful for the generosity and support of our members and the local community. Because of your donations we are able to give back to our teachers and students of Lake Havasu City.
Go to www.k12foundation.org to become a member and help support our future.
2013 LHUSD#1 Teachers, Staff and the K-12 Foundation along with community donors joined together on July 31, 2013 to donate $9,500 to our schools. This is in addition to the $3,000 given to each of the 8 district schools at the May School Board Meeting. This makes a total of $33,500 donated to our schools for this academic year thanks to the generous support of our community businesses, organizations and individuals. You too, can join us in our efforts by becoming a member.
Go to www.k12foundation.org to become a member and help support our future.
In 2012, the K-12 Foundation presented a total of $24,000 ($3,000 to each school) with the assistance of our major donors . Pictured above are K-12 board members, Lake Havasu School District principals and Superintendent Gail Malay during a district school board meeting. You too, can join us in our efforts by becoming a member online here.
District $27,000 Check Presentation - 2009
August 1, 2022 Thankful for our community support - K12 Foundation was able to present each teacher/school a check for $1,000.
Pictured from left to right:
Jana Stump (K12 Foundation), Jennifer Black (Jamaica), Tamera Yates (Havasupai), Shannon Williams (Nautilus), Scott Becker (High School), Ginny Sautner (Starline), Nina Mersing (Smoketree), Gordy Hall (Thunderbolt), Bret Bitterman (Oro Grande) and Monica Hall (K12 Foundation)
Go to www.k12foundation.org to become a member and help support our future.
July 29, 2021. Very exciting to present checks to each school during the School Rally. Each school received $1,000 for school needs.
From left to right Cristen Mann (K12), Jammie Hammer (K12), Nina Mersing (Smoketree), Corey Triassi (Starline), Jonathan Moss (Nautilus), Andrea Helart (Jamaica), Scott Becker (LHHS), Brett Bitterman (Oro Grande), Tamara Yates (Havasupai), John "Gordy" Hall (Thunderbolt), Monica Hall (K12).
On August 5, 2019 the K-12 Foundation gave each school a check for $1,000.00 to use toward any emergency or need within the school that does not have funding from the School District. Left to Right:Jana Stump (K12), Claude Sanders (Havasupai), Connie Hogard (Smoketree), Corey Triassi (Starline), Jamie Hammer (K12), Roger Burger (Nautilus),Mari Jo Mulligan (Thunderbolt), Scott Becker (LHHS), Andrea Helart (Jamaica), Brett Bitterman (Oro Grande), Monica Hall (K12.)
The K-12 Foundation presented a check for $3,000 to each of our eight LHUSD#1 schools at the May 17, 2013 School Board meeting. This marks the 7th year that we have been able to make this donation to the schools. Thank you to the many community businesses, organizations, and individuals who support the K-12 Foundation in our mission to support our schools! Pictured are the school principals (seated) and K-12 Foundation Board members (standing).
In 2011, the K-12 Foundation presented a total of $24,000 ($3,000 to each school) with the assistance of our major donors during the district's opening Rally Day.Pictured below are those major donors, K-12 board members, Lake Havasu School District principals and Superintendent Gail Malay. We encourage you join our teachers and District staff in supporting the K-12 Foundation through your membership. You can join online here.
Another photo from the 2011 K-12 Foundation presentation during the district's opening Rally Day.
District Check Presentation$27,000 - 2008